I was born in London but spent most of my early life in New Jersey, in the United States. I moved to New York City for university and lived and worked there through my mid-twenties. I began my career in digital advertising, but after a few years, I decided to leave New York and travel a small sliver of the world. I visited parts of Europe and Latin America, and worked at hostels in Albania, Mexico and Guatemala. During these stints I encountered different cultures, traditions, and manners of connecting with the earth and environment, each place uniquely influenced by their history, economics, language, social norms and geography. I still consider this the most impactful period of my life. After a year, I moved to London where my family had returned, and began the journey to where I am today. I found freelance work, which, coupled with my experience in digital marketing, led me to my job at People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES); it was incredibly rewarding to utilise my past experiences for something I was passionate about. During my time at PTES, I became deeply embedded in the conservation space and learned about the UK’s priority habitats and species, raising funds from individual donors through a variety of digital campaigns and connecting me with the environmental heritage of the country. Still based in London, I’m now looking for work that sits closer to research and policy, influencing corporations and lawmakers to improve the nation’s environmental, social and economic sustainability and work with local communities to bring nature into decision making.